The Regenerative TimeLab
is a life-enhancing research and experience design platform.

We explore regenerative ways of working, living and being in times of crisis and change.

As a living system, the Regenerative TimeLab is dedicated to fostering regenerative system change. Together with a growing ecosystem of partners and collaborators, we invite you to challenge the status quo and make time to focus on the things in life that really matter.

Our mission is to inspire as many humans as possible to rethink their current ways of being, living and working. To explore alternative mental models and social norms. With a long-term and life-centered perspective.

Activities and Interventions

We invite into time and space to explore, reflect, co-create and prototype regenerative cultures and mindsets. We call visionaries and change-makers to join us on this journey of learning by being. People who dare to leave the (pseudo) comfort zone of established patterns, who feel a calling to create true impact on socio-ecological level. People who dare to look up and face realities, people who sometimes feel overwhelmed and speechless, people who sense what others don’t.
Let’s connect and join forces.


We build eco-systemic networks, connecting experts and researchers with local initiatives and individuals.

We develop and create spaces to foster connection and belonging.


We conduct experiential research to provide mind opening insights in collaboration with international researchers, universities and labs.

We dare to ask bold, unsolvable questions.


We co-develop emergent relearning formats that have the power to transform existing belief systems.

We learn through immersive experiences and interventions.


We translate our findings into impactful practices or applicable processes and turn visions into prototypes (provoking behavior shifts).

We design experiments that have the power for systemic change. 

Why we founded the Regenerative TimeLab

The coping mechanisms employed by Western society to address eco-social crises are fatally flawed on multiple levels.

Rooted in the primal fight-or-flight response, these approaches often manifest as superficial actions (such as banning plastic straws) or outright denial (the "don't look up" mentality), failing to address the underlying issues effectively.

At the individual level, these strategies result in heightened stress, exhaustion, and a sense of hopelessness. Paradoxically, these same mechanisms exacerbate systemic problems rather than alleviating them, creating a vicious cycle of worsening crises.

This double-bind situation burdens many individuals, leading to either a resignation to the status quo ("we can't solve it anyway") or a defiant, escapist mindset of "now more than ever." The complexity and rapid evolution of these interconnected crises overwhelm us, rendering appeals for behavioral change ineffective and often fodder for divisive debates.

We believe in a radically different approach to addressing the urgencies of our time. Moving from a linear, growth-driven mindset to a circular, interconnected, and life-centred perspective requires us to act as bridge-builders.

Our work focuses on fostering regenerative practices at the individual level as a starting point for systemic change. We challenge prevailing norms in work and lifestyle, exploring alternative ways of existing in harmony with ourselves, our environment, and humanity at large.

Through innovative research and experimentation, we endeavor to reinforce a societal framework that harnesses the collective desire to address the vital challenges of our time.

The Trojan Donkey

Our activities toward eco-systemic change are warm, open and often lovable.
But deep inside we have a strong vision and a sometimes stubborn power to reach our goals.

Like a Donkey. The Trojan Donkey.

Guiding Principles

Low Profit / High Impact

We stand for a different measurement of success. It’s not about money but about having a great impact to do good in the world. Building a support net by sharing, exchange & care. All offerings come with a fair price to value the energy and time investment of the space holders & facilitators. We will always find a way if you can’t afford to pay a participation fee.


It is important for us to enable as many different beings as possible to actively participate in and shape the decision-making process. The focus is on taking into account the diversity of opinions, needs and interests of all beings and finding a common solution.

Love for Life & Curiosity

The world and life are wonderful and fascinating. Our insatiable curiosity to learn about life, other cultures and perspectives allows us to live wholeheartedly by the principle of lifelong learning through experience.

Longterm, systemic & regenerative.

In contrast of our current paradigm focussing on short-term gains we are dedicated to explore systemic change in order to create Win-Win-Win situations that drive cultural, ecological and economic regeneration. For us but also for future generations.

Taking a bold stand

We have strong opinions and we stand up for them. We put it into practice every day in our work, learning new things, taking on different perspectives and being open to critical questioning. We don't know how to do it either, but we try our best.
We love to challenge the status quo and explore new perspectives for all different sides and aspects. What is NORMAL anyways? Hell YES!

And sometimes we just need to laugh at ourselves and enjoy life.

From Having to Being

Instead of following the rat-race in cumulating more and more material wealth at the cost of our wellbeing and the planet we investigate on how we can shift to being and belonging as the new north star with time as the new luxury. Embracing a simple life.

Radically Local

Supporting local initiatives and creating a long-term connection with our immediate environment. Understand the place and the people we live in to create empathy and care. Regenerative placemaking is about coming home to place.

Creative in Constraints

We believe in creativity and imagination as one of the mots potent skills to drive positive change - if its aligned with scientific rigor. Combining both - the inspirational with the methodology is at the core of our bespoken experiments and interventions.

Non-Linear and indirect

Our experiments and experiences are embedded in non-linear thinking. Instead to address our topics directly we go sideways, using art as well as natures wisdom to create experiences that includes our body to leverage a multitude of insights and learnings.


We strive to be a good host and a good guest. Reciprocity means being a good friend and neighbour. Working with people in transition and with democratic openness to other ways of thinking. We are interbeings, interwoven and interdependent.

Paradoxical thinking

To better understand the complex nature of the wicked problems we are investigating, we rely on paradoxical thinking. Following the dualistic nature of ancient traditions we search for the contradictions as we are sure they reveal most vivid insights and possibilities.

“The greatest breakthroughs of the 21st century will not occur because of technology, they will occur because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human”

— John Naisbitt, Futurist