Multi-Species Worlding

Time Intervention at the Regenerative TimeLab by our partners and collaborators Sympoiesis, 3rd July 2024

Connection is built first through empathy, and change starts in our imagination, envisioning the world different from what it is today. Through empathic imagination, we can establish newfound connections and learn to co-create systems, structures, and stories with a multi-species focus.

Niels Devisscher and Rūta Žemčugovaitė gently guided us into the felt perspective of other species, invited to practice being a mouthpiece for more-than-human to finaly creatively build shared worlds that serve all of life.

Together, we momentarily put aside our human identities. We shapeshifted into the felt perspectives of companion species and wove a tapestry of life-centered stories. This tapestry slowly revealed an emergent future -- one that centers the needs and experiences of all lifeforms, not just humans.

The yboth encouraged participants to reflect on their contribution to this emergent future and invited them to notice, in the weeks and months to come, the subtle ways in which their being might try to speak to them: on walks, through dreams, and symbols.

Imagining oneself and speaking as another species isn't easy. It is necessary, however, if we are to co-create true cultures of #care, #compassion, and #regeneration.

What a beautiful experience and time intervention on many levels.

There will be more similar sessions happening throughout the year - highly recommended to support and follow their journey.

Analog collage poster design and text snippets by, 2024.


Cross Pollination Field Trip


Wilde Heimat